API Reference

User information is not actively sent, but kept on the local device and sent to the server as it changes. This information does not affect in-game analytics, but is very important for user analytics.

    "entityName": "ui",
    "type": "insert",
    "id": "playerId",
    "timestamp": 1660192200,
	"country": "GB", // The country of a user (format ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)
	"language": "en", // The language of a user (format ISO 639-1 (1998)
	"isRooted": 0, // Rooted (jailbroken) device (1 - rooted)
	"userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0", // Browser user-agent
	"cheater": true, //Reserved. True, if a user is a cheater 
	"tester": true, //Reserved. True, if a user is a tester
	 "age": 19,
	"gender": 0, // 0 = non-bi / 1 = male / 2 = female
	"language": "en",
	"membership": 0, // 0 - direct / 1 - social / 2 - affiliate
	"socialConnector": true,
	"cur": "USD",
	"totalPayment": 9.64,
	"paymentMethod": "Google Pay",
	"model" : "iPhone X",                     // device name (iOS), MODEL (Android)
        "res" : "1024x768",            // The display's resolution of a device
        "dpi" : 144,                          // The density of display's points
        "deviceId" : "f;isyofa7w8yp4fapw49",        // Device Id((Android, iOS, Windows phone)
        "adId" : "8cf0-11bd-b23e-10b96e40000d", // Advertising ID (Android, Windows phone 8.1)
      	"os": "iOS"                    // The name of OS family
        "deviceVersion": "8.1"                  // OS version
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