Custom events are required to create company-specific metrics.
Within each game, there are some metrics specific to that game. They differ in various games such as Hyper-Casual, RPG, FPS, MOBA, MMO, TBT. Users can use Telescope Labs services to create their own metrics and receive data accordingly.
Before users can create a new field to send via API, they must turn on the administrator mode from the settings tab.
Users add a header to their dataset before adding a dataset, and then add the appropriate entries under this header as JSON objects. They can then visualize the data they have added through the portal. When adding a new field, the names and formats of these fields should be specified. The sample code block is as follows:
"entityName": "yourTableName",
"type": "insert",
"id": "playerId",
"timestamp" : 1660192200, // datetime (Unix Epoch without miliseconds)
"value": {
"appversionid": id,
"cheater": bool,
"country": str,
"eventtime": timestamp,
"deviceid": id,
"id": id,
"firstappversionid": id,
"createtime": timestamp,
"locale": str,
"osversionid": id,
"paymentcount": int,
"paymentsum": float,
"sbspaymentcount": int,
"sbspaymentsum": float,
"tester": bool,
"level": int,
"uid": id
Try dragging a block from the right to see how easy it is to add more content!