Payments are divided into two, paid purchases and game purchases. Paid purchases are made in real currencies and in return an in-game right or in-game asset is obtained. In-game purchases are made by obtaining another asset in exchange for the in-game asset.
// for in-game payments
"entityName": "ip", //in-game payments
"type": "insert",
"id": "playerId",
"timestamp": 1660192200,
"purchaseType" : "Building",
"purchaseId" : "Barrack_123123",
"purchaseAmount" : 1,
"purchasePrice" : 1.0,
"purchasePriceCurrency" : "Coins",
"level" : 3,
// for real payments
"entityName": "rp", //real payments
"type": "insert",
"id": "playerId",
"timestamp": 1660192200,
"name": "app_name_1",
"orderId": "123123123",
"price": 9.99, // The price of a purchase in a transaction currency
"currencyCode": "USD", // Transaction currency(ISO 4217 format)
"level": 3, // Player's level