API Reference

The Data Settings page is accessible by clicking the game name in the top left corner of the screen.

Within "Data Settings" there are two tabs:

Off chain integration: provides details of how to integrate your off chain data with Telescope labs, and the current status of any integration.

Smart information, and see the details of your smart contracts.


I don't see any options

Game Settings are only available if your organization is set as the "owner" of the game. To claim a game as yours, please use the "Claim game" option on the page.

Off chain integration

This page consists of two main sections.

The "About SDK/API Integration" has useful, direct links to resourced on the SDK and API integrations.

The "API Keys" section shows the currently active API keys for this game, and details on the status of their integration.

Smart Contract

This tabs details the web3 contracts for the currently selected game.

Adding a Smart Contract

Telescope Labs has preloaded many smart contracts into our dataset, and added them to our platform. However, we might be missing some, especially for more recent games or contracts added later.

To add a missing smart contract to the platform - click on the "Add Smart Contract" button.

Here you'll find a form where you can specify the:

  • blockchain
  • smart contract address
  • related tags
  • and status

Alternatively, please just reach out and let us know, and we will add these for you: [email protected]